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000507_owner-lightwave-l _Mon Sep 19 14:41:07 1994.msg
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Date: Mon, 19 Sep 1994 17:06:34 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Andrew P. Vogel" <vogelap@ucunix.san.uc.EDU>
Subject: Re: Spinning Lens Flares
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On Mon, 19 Sep 1994, John Gross wrote:
> > I have been trying to get a lens flare to "spin" in a clockwise
> > fashion using a light facing camera. I was simply banking the light, but
> > I never got the flare to actually change it's pattern. Is this possible?
> > I have not seen it covered anywhere...
> Since lens flares actually show up in the lens of the camera, they do not
> spin. however, since people use lens flares for other things, phasars.
> photon torpedos, etc. Allen will most likely add new features such as
> rotating flares, etc.
Rotating lens flares would be very useful. It seems to me that you should
be able to achieve that by simply rotating the light... What if you
rotated the camera? Would that do it? There probably isn't a workaround
so we'll just have to wait till the next version.
Drew Vogel: Admissions Officer at University of Cincinnati Undergraduate
Admissions (call 800-827-8728), SysOp of The Cafe' BBS (513-232-4895)
FidoNet 1:108/245, Actor, director, Amiga fan, Imagine 3.0/LW 3.5 user,
vice-president of Ohio Valley Amiga Users' Group, documentation author,
single guy, and much, much more! "The only way OUT is THROUGH."